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  • As on 26 Dec, 2024 09:07:21 IST
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Listed Active Listed - -
  • Symbol:
  • Face Value:
  • 10.00
  • ISIN:
  • INE172F01018
  • Industry:
  • -


  • Pr. Close : 74.00
  • Open : 74.00
  • High : -
  • Low : -
  • Close : 74.00



52 Week












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Stock Price Movements
Average Traded Price -
Total Traded Value (Rs. in Lacs) -
Total Traded Qty. -
2 Week Avg. Qty. 190
Free Float (Cr.) 3.81
Value at Risk (VaR in %)
No Details available.
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No Details available.

Announcement Type


Exchange Received Time

Disseminated Time

Time Taken

Compliance RECONCILIATION 04-11-2024 18:55:13 04-11-2024 18:55:13 00:00:00
Compliance INTIMATION FOR DELISTING 28-10-2024 17:52:40 28-10-2024 17:52:40 00:00:00
PIT Disclosure Compliance Certificate under Regulation 3(5) and 3(6) of PIT Re 21-10-2024 15:06:47 21-10-2024 15:06:47 00:00:00
Compliance Website Update 19-10-2024 17:13:03 19-10-2024 17:13:03 00:00:00
Statements of investor complaints Investor Complaints 19-10-2024 17:04:25 19-10-2024 17:04:25 00:00:00
Compliance CERTIFICATE UNDER REGULATION 74(5) 15-10-2024 17:32:47 15-10-2024 17:32:47 00:00:00
Compliance SCRUTINISER REPORT 01-10-2024 17:20:15 01-10-2024 17:20:15 00:00:00
Compliance DECLARATION OF RESULTS 01-10-2024 17:19:19 01-10-2024 17:19:19 00:00:00
Newspaper Publication Intimation of newspaper advertisement 07-09-2024 15:36:33 07-09-2024 15:36:33 00:00:00
Newspaper Publication Newspaper Publication 16-08-2024 10:16:34 16-08-2024 10:16:34 00:00:00
Compliance Reconciliation of share capital 29-07-2024 11:44:35 29-07-2024 11:44:35 00:00:00
Compliance SHAREHOLDING PATTERN 22-07-2024 12:45:20 22-07-2024 12:45:20 00:00:00
Compliance CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 22-07-2024 12:43:17 22-07-2024 12:43:17 00:00:00
Compliance Website Undertaking 18-07-2024 16:36:43 18-07-2024 16:36:43 00:00:00
Statements of investor complaints Investor Compliants 18-07-2024 16:36:01 18-07-2024 16:36:01 00:00:00
PIT Disclosure Compliance Certificate under Regulation 3(5) and 3(6) of PIT Re 18-07-2024 16:35:08 18-07-2024 16:35:08 00:00:00
Compliance Covering Letter Reg 74 (5) of SEBI (DP) Reg, 2018 13-07-2024 17:47:19 13-07-2024 17:47:19 00:00:00
Closure of Trading Window Intimation of Closure of Trading Window 29-06-2024 17:31:13 29-06-2024 17:31:13 00:00:00
Audited Financial Results FINANCIAL RESULTS 27-06-2024 17:48:59 27-06-2024 17:48:59 00:00:00
Compliance Newspapers advertisement for delisting from CSE 31-05-2024 15:44:21 31-05-2024 15:44:21 00:00:00
Compliance Newspapers advertisement for delisting from CSE 31-05-2024 15:44:20 31-05-2024 15:44:20 00:00:00
Compliance Newspapers advertisement for delisting from CSE 31-05-2024 15:44:17 31-05-2024 15:44:17 00:00:00
Newspaper Publication Newspaper Financial Results 31-05-2024 12:16:16 31-05-2024 12:16:16 00:00:00
Compliance Related Party Transactions 31-05-2024 11:20:21 31-05-2024 11:20:21 00:00:00
Audited Financial Results Audited Financial Results 30-05-2024 17:29:44 30-05-2024 17:29:44 00:00:00
Compliance ANNUAL SECRETARIAL COMPLIANCE REPORT 30-05-2024 17:26:35 30-05-2024 17:26:35 00:00:00
Compliance certificate under regulation - 40(9) 27-04-2024 15:48:15 27-04-2024 15:48:15 00:00:00
Compliance Covering Letter_Reg 7(3) 26-04-2024 16:48:22 26-04-2024 16:48:22 00:00:00
Compliance Reconciliation of shares capital audit report 26-04-2024 15:16:42 26-04-2024 15:16:42 00:00:00
PIT Disclosure Compliance Certificate UR 3(5) AND 3(6) 20-04-2024 18:00:48 20-04-2024 18:00:48 00:00:00
Compliance Website undertaking 20-04-2024 11:03:20 20-04-2024 11:03:20 00:00:00
Statements of investor complaints Investor Compliants 20-04-2024 10:50:52 20-04-2024 10:50:52 00:00:00
Compliance Certificate pursuant to Reg 74 (5) of SEBI (DP) Reg, 2018 13-04-2024 17:24:10 13-04-2024 17:24:10 00:00:00
Closure of Trading Window Intimation of Closure of Trading Window 30-03-2024 11:24:05 30-03-2024 11:24:05 00:00:00
Newspaper Publication Newspaper advertisement 08-02-2024 15:07:01 08-02-2024 15:07:01 00:00:00
Compliance Reconciliation 29-01-2024 16:07:35 29-01-2024 16:07:35 00:00:00
Compliance Reconciliation of share capital audit 29-01-2024 15:33:13 29-01-2024 15:33:13 00:00:00
Compliance Shareholding Pattern 29-01-2024 14:53:12 29-01-2024 14:53:12 00:00:00
Compliance Compliance Certificate under Regulation 3(5) and 3(6) of PIT Regulations 20-01-2024 18:17:17 20-01-2024 18:17:17 00:00:00
Compliance Website Undertaking 18-01-2024 12:43:00 18-01-2024 12:43:00 00:00:00
Compliance Certificate pursuant to Reg 74 (5) of SEBI (DP) Reg, 2018 16-01-2024 15:33:23 16-01-2024 15:33:23 00:00:00
Statements of investor complaints Investor Compliants 16-01-2024 12:19:23 16-01-2024 12:19:23 00:00:00
Closure of Trading Window Intimation of Closure of Trading Window 30-12-2023 11:48:14 30-12-2023 11:48:14 00:00:00
Unaudited Financial Results Financials results 08-12-2023 16:11:20 08-12-2023 16:11:20 00:00:00
Compliance Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report 30-10-2023 15:03:12 30-10-2023 15:03:12 00:00:00
PIT Disclosure Compliance Certificate under Regulation 3(5) and 3(6) of PIT Reg 20-10-2023 15:45:26 20-10-2023 15:45:26 00:00:00
Compliance Website Undertaking 19-10-2023 16:29:18 19-10-2023 16:29:18 00:00:00
Statements of investor complaints Investor Compliants 19-10-2023 15:48:35 19-10-2023 15:48:35 00:00:00
Compliance Certificate pursuant to Reg 74 (5) of SEBI (DP) Reg, 2018 14-10-2023 15:07:09 14-10-2023 15:07:09 00:00:00
Closure of Trading Window Intimation of Closure of Trading Window 30-09-2023 16:33:11 30-09-2023 16:33:11 00:00:00
Compliance Proceeding of AGM 13-09-2023 12:00:06 13-09-2023 12:00:06 00:00:00
Compliance Scrutinizer Report 13-09-2023 11:52:56 13-09-2023 11:52:56 00:00:00
Compliance Trading Window opening 12-09-2023 12:09:06 12-09-2023 12:09:06 00:00:00
Compliance Proceeding of AGM 12-09-2023 11:53:14 12-09-2023 11:53:14 00:00:00
Newspaper Publication Newspaper Advertisement 16-08-2023 11:33:35 16-08-2023 11:33:35 00:00:00
Compliance Annual Report 12-08-2023 17:40:51 12-08-2023 17:40:51 00:00:00
Compliance Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report 27-07-2023 12:48:55 27-07-2023 12:48:55 00:00:00
PIT Disclosure Compliance Certificate under Regulation 3(5) and 3(6) of PIT Regulations 20-07-2023 16:37:32 20-07-2023 16:37:32 00:00:00
Compliance Website Undertaking 17-07-2023 16:53:30 17-07-2023 16:53:30 00:00:00
Statements of investor complaints Investor Compliants 13-07-2023 13:02:46 13-07-2023 13:02:46 00:00:00
Compliance Reg 74 (5) of SEBI (DP) Reg, 2018 13-07-2023 12:00:43 13-07-2023 12:00:43 00:00:00
Closure of Trading Window Intimation of Closure of Trading Window 30-06-2023 13:18:07 30-06-2023 13:18:07 00:00:00
Newspaper Publication Newspaper Advertisement 31-05-2023 14:15:05 31-05-2023 14:15:05 00:00:00
Compliance Secretarial Compliance Report 30-05-2023 16:15:36 30-05-2023 16:15:36 00:00:00
Compliance RPT 30-05-2023 16:14:52 30-05-2023 16:14:52 00:00:00
Audited Financial Results Audited Financial Results 30-05-2023 16:13:54 30-05-2023 16:13:54 00:00:00
Compliance certificate under regulation - 40(9) 28-04-2023 12:32:32 28-04-2023 12:32:32 00:00:00
Compliance Compliance Certificate under Reg 7(3) of SEBI (LODR), Reg 2015 28-04-2023 12:28:39 28-04-2023 12:28:39 00:00:00
PIT Disclosure Compliance Certificate under Regulation 3(5) and 3(6) of PIT Regulations 20-04-2023 17:47:41 20-04-2023 17:47:41 00:00:00
Compliance Website Undertaking 19-04-2023 15:11:22 19-04-2023 15:11:22 00:00:00
Compliance Reconciliation of shares capital audit report 13-04-2023 16:06:29 13-04-2023 16:06:29 00:00:00
Statements of investor complaints Investor ComplaInts 12-04-2023 17:08:10 12-04-2023 17:08:10 00:00:00
Compliance Reg 74 (5) of SEBI (DP) Reg, 2018 12-04-2023 14:37:37 12-04-2023 14:37:37 00:00:00
Closure of Trading Window CLOSURE OF TRADING WINDOW 29-03-2023 17:28:14 29-03-2023 17:28:14 00:00:00
Corporate Action Disclosure receiving summon 21-02-2023 17:33:46 21-02-2023 17:33:46 00:00:00



Date Time


No Financial Results Available


Period Ended Date / As on Date

Date Time


AASHRIT 30-Jun-2019 20-Jul-2019 12:14:01 XBRL
AASHRIT 30-Sep-2019 19-Oct-2019 06:25:16 XBRL
AASHRIT 31-Dec-2019 15-Jan-2020 05:55:27 XBRL
AASHRIT 31-Mar-2020 06-May-2020 04:32:17 XBRL
AASHRIT 30-Jun-2020 14-Jul-2020 03:55:28 XBRL
AASHRIT 30-Sep-2020 16-Oct-2020 02:55:47 XBRL
AASHRIT 31-Dec-2020 18-Jan-2021 10:43:13 XBRL
AASHRIT 31-Mar-2021 20-Apr-2021 01:46:46 XBRL
AASHRIT 30-Jun-2021 13-Jul-2021 04:42:40 XBRL
AASHRIT 30-Sep-2021 11-Oct-2021 02:30:55 XBRL
AASHRIT 31-Dec-2021 11-Jan-2022 03:37:39 XBRL
AASHRIT 31-Mar-2022 11-Apr-2022 02:19:47 XBRL
AASHRIT 30-Jun-2022 14-Jul-2022 12:57:35 XBRL
AASHRIT 30-Sep-2022 17-Oct-2022 02:00:41 XBRL
AASHRIT 31-Dec-2022 16-Jan-2023 03:04:37 XBRL
AASHRIT 31-Mar-2023 18-Apr-2023 06:02:22 XBRL
AASHRIT 30-Jun-2023 17-Jul-2023 02:40:00 XBRL
AASHRIT 30-Sep-2023 17-Oct-2023 12:34:45 XBRL
AASHRIT 31-Dec-2023 24-Jan-2024 05:33:12 XBRL
AASHRIT 31-Mar-2024 20-Apr-2024 11:58:21 XBRL
AASHRIT 30-Jun-2024 23-Jul-2024 05:54:20 XBRL
AASHRIT 30-Sep-2024 19-Oct-2024 01:04:53 XBRL



Book Closure / Record Date

11-Sep-2023 AGM 12-Sep-2023
21-Sep-2021 Annual General Meeting 23-Sep-2021 - 30-Sep-2021
21-Sep-2020 Annual General Meeting 23-Sep-2020 - 30-Sep-2020
19-Sep-2019 Annual General Meeting 23-Sep-2019 - 30-Sep-2019
19-Sep-2018 Annual General Meeting 22-Sep-2018 - 29-Sep-2018

Type of Meeting


Exchange Received Time

Disseminated Time

Time Taken

Outcome of Board Meeting OUTCOME OF THE BOARD MEETING 24-10-2024 17:05:34 24-10-2024 17:05:34 00:00:00
Intimation of Board Meeting Intimation of board meeting 18-10-2024 16:53:12 18-10-2024 16:53:12 00:00:00
Outcome of AGM OUTCOME OF AGM 30-09-2024 11:50:44 30-09-2024 11:50:44 00:00:00
Outcome of Board Meeting OUTCOME OF THE BOARD MEETING 05-09-2024 17:17:47 05-09-2024 17:17:47 00:00:00
Intimation of Board Meeting Advance Board Meeting Notice 30-08-2024 17:31:02 30-08-2024 17:31:02 00:00:00
Outcome of Board Meeting OUTCOME OF THE BOARD MEETING 13-08-2024 17:16:58 13-08-2024 17:16:58 00:00:00
Intimation of Board Meeting Prior Intimation of Board Meeting 06-08-2024 17:41:58 06-08-2024 17:41:58 00:00:00
Outcome of Board Meeting Outcome of the Board Meeting 30-05-2024 17:16:39 30-05-2024 17:16:39 00:00:00
Intimation of Board Meeting INTIMATION OF BM 23-05-2024 15:53:37 23-05-2024 15:53:37 00:00:00
Outcome of Board Meeting Outcome of the Board Meeting 13-02-2024 11:45:59 13-02-2024 11:45:59 00:00:00
Outcome of Board Meeting Outcome of the Board Meeting 06-02-2024 17:09:35 06-02-2024 17:09:35 00:00:00
Intimation of Board Meeting Advance Board Meeting Notice 31-01-2024 18:06:16 31-01-2024 18:06:16 00:00:00
Outcome of Board Meeting Outcome of the Board Meeting 28-12-2023 10:48:03 28-12-2023 10:48:03 00:00:00
Intimation of Board Meeting Intimation 25-12-2023 18:26:22 25-12-2023 18:26:22 00:00:00
Outcome of Board Meeting Outcome of the Board Meeting 09-11-2023 16:47:58 09-11-2023 16:47:58 00:00:00
Intimation of Board Meeting Prior Intimation of Board Meeting 03-11-2023 17:34:32 03-11-2023 17:34:32 00:00:00
Outcome of Board Meeting Outcome of the Board Meeting 11-08-2023 16:37:28 11-08-2023 16:37:28 00:00:00
Intimation of Board Meeting INTIMATION OF BM to SE 05-08-2023 13:08:21 05-08-2023 13:08:21 00:00:00
Outcome of Board Meeting Audited Financial Results 30-05-2023 16:12:50 30-05-2023 16:12:50 00:00:00


Period Ended Date / As on Date

Date Time


AASHRIT 30-Sep-2019 15-Oct-2019 05:35:00 XBRL
AASHRIT 31-Dec-2019 06-Jan-2020 12:15:56 XBRL
AASHRIT 31-Mar-2020 11-May-2020 10:27:44 XBRL
AASHRIT 30-Jun-2020 10-Jul-2020 03:58:23 XBRL
AASHRIT 30-Sep-2020 10-Oct-2020 11:21:41 XBRL
AASHRIT 31-Dec-2020 13-Jan-2021 11:48:39 XBRL
AASHRIT 31-Mar-2021 10-Apr-2021 04:45:33 XBRL
AASHRIT 30-Jun-2021 19-Jul-2021 12:20:15 XBRL
AASHRIT 30-Sep-2021 18-Oct-2021 12:36:43 XBRL
AASHRIT 31-Dec-2021 18-Jan-2022 01:35:12 XBRL
AASHRIT 31-Mar-2022 19-Apr-2022 11:43:47 XBRL
AASHRIT 30-Jun-2022 13-Jul-2022 02:39:57 XBRL
AASHRIT 30-Sep-2022 21-Oct-2022 12:59:57 XBRL
AASHRIT 31-Dec-2022 21-Jan-2023 04:34:15 XBRL
AASHRIT 31-Mar-2023 19-Apr-2023 05:21:09 XBRL
AASHRIT 30-Jun-2023 20-Jul-2023 02:49:16 XBRL
AASHRIT 30-Sep-2023 19-Oct-2023 01:06:55 XBRL
AASHRIT 30-Sep-2023 19-Oct-2023 01:08:55 XBRL
AASHRIT 30-Sep-2023 19-Oct-2023 01:10:50 XBRL
AASHRIT 31-Dec-2023 19-Jan-2024 02:19:44 XBRL
AASHRIT 31-Mar-2024 20-Apr-2024 02:29:45 XBRL
AASHRIT 31-Mar-2024 21-May-2024 03:00:18 XBRL
AASHRIT 30-Jun-2024 22-Jul-2024 10:26:29 XBRL
AASHRIT 30-Sep-2024 21-Oct-2024 11:22:46 XBRL