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Free Float (Cr.) 18.99
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Security VaR 7.50
Index VaR 10.00
VaR Margin 75.00
Extreme Loss Rate 5.00
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Applicable Margin Rate 100.00
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Compliance Disclosure under Regulation 23 (9) of SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (SEBI LODR) – Details of Related Party Transactions 13-12-2024 12:18:26 13-12-2024 12:18:26 00:00:00
Appointment Intimation of Appointment of Non-Executive Independent Director pursuant to Regulation 30 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 12-12-2024 17:15:46 12-12-2024 17:15:46 00:00:00
Newspaper Publication Newspaper Advertisement pursuant to Regulation 47 of the SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements), Regulations, 201 14-11-2024 12:57:40 14-11-2024 12:57:40 00:00:00
Compliance Submission of Undertaking regarding the functionality of the website of the Company as per Regulation 46 of SEBI (LODR), regulations, 2015 13-11-2024 16:51:49 13-11-2024 16:51:49 00:00:00
Unaudited Financial Results Outcome of Board Meeting held on 12th November, 2024 12-11-2024 16:43:06 12-11-2024 16:43:06 00:00:00
Compliance Disclosure under Regulation 23 (9) of SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (SEBI LODR) – Details of Related Party Transactions 29-10-2024 12:58:53 29-10-2024 12:58:53 00:00:00
Compliance COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE FOR THE QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2024 22-10-2024 12:21:39 22-10-2024 12:21:39 00:00:00
Compliance Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report for Quarter ended 30th September, 2024 21-10-2024 16:07:59 21-10-2024 16:07:59 00:00:00
Compliance Disclosure under Regulation 31(1) (b) of SEBI (LODR) Regulation, 2015 for the 02nd Quarter of the FY 2024-25 ended on 30th September, 2024. 15-10-2024 15:53:05 15-10-2024 15:53:05 00:00:00
Statements of investor complaints Quarter compliance under regulation 13(3) of SEBI (Listing obligation and Disclosure Requirement) Regulations, 2015 for quarter ended on 30.09.2024 15-10-2024 14:52:09 15-10-2024 14:52:09 00:00:00
Compliance Certificate under Regulation 74(5) of the SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulation, 2018 for the Quarter ended September 30th 2024 11-10-2024 14:02:44 11-10-2024 14:02:44 00:00:00
Closure of Trading Window closure of trading window 30-09-2024 15:14:48 30-09-2024 15:14:48 00:00:00
Voting Results Voting Results 18-09-2024 13:49:21 18-09-2024 13:49:21 00:00:00
Newspaper Publication ACE_Newspaper_AGM 23-08-2024 13:00:37 23-08-2024 13:00:37 00:00:00
Book Closure Book Closure 22-08-2024 16:41:33 22-08-2024 16:41:33 00:00:00
Compliance Annual Return_2023-24 22-08-2024 15:07:15 22-08-2024 15:07:15 00:00:00
Newspaper Publication Newspaper Publication 16-08-2024 13:38:48 16-08-2024 13:38:48 00:00:00
Compliance Reconcilition of Share Capital Audit Report 24-07-2024 13:05:11 24-07-2024 13:05:11 00:00:00
Compliance Reg_31_Shareholding 19-07-2024 17:16:31 19-07-2024 17:16:31 00:00:00
Compliance Compliance of Corporate Governance 17-07-2024 12:07:56 17-07-2024 12:07:56 00:00:00
Compliance Compliance Certificate under SDD 16-07-2024 13:45:15 16-07-2024 13:45:15 00:00:00
Statements of investor complaints Statement of Investors Complaints 13-07-2024 15:23:38 13-07-2024 15:23:38 00:00:00
Compliance REG-74(5) 10-07-2024 16:26:56 10-07-2024 16:26:56 00:00:00
Closure of Trading Window Closure of Trading window 05-07-2024 15:27:48 05-07-2024 15:27:48 00:00:00
Appointment APPOINTMENT OF CFO 03-07-2024 17:40:22 03-07-2024 17:40:22 00:00:00
Newspaper Publication Newspaper publication 31-05-2024 13:02:55 31-05-2024 13:02:55 00:00:00
Compliance RPT 30-05-2024 15:39:56 30-05-2024 15:39:56 00:00:00
Compliance Outcome of BM 30-05-2024 14:46:56 30-05-2024 14:46:56 00:00:00
Compliance Outcome of BM 30-05-2024 14:44:32 30-05-2024 14:44:32 00:00:00
Compliance Outcome of BM 30-05-2024 14:44:31 30-05-2024 14:44:31 00:00:00
Compliance Outcome of BM 30-05-2024 14:44:29 30-05-2024 14:44:29 00:00:00
Compliance Outcome of BM 30-05-2024 14:43:01 30-05-2024 14:43:01 00:00:00
Compliance Outcome of Board mEETING 30-05-2024 14:39:53 30-05-2024 14:39:53 00:00:00
Compliance Outcome of Board Meeting 30-05-2024 14:36:04 30-05-2024 14:36:04 00:00:00
Compliance Secretarial Compliance Report 24-05-2024 15:58:09 24-05-2024 15:58:09 00:00:00
Compliance Prior Intimation for Board Meeting 24-05-2024 12:26:07 24-05-2024 12:26:07 00:00:00
Resignation Resignation of CFO 01-05-2024 15:09:57 01-05-2024 15:09:57 00:00:00
Appointment Appointment of Company Secretary and compliance officer 01-05-2024 15:03:36 01-05-2024 15:03:36 00:00:00
Compliance SDD UNDER PIT REGULATIONS 26-04-2024 17:12:50 26-04-2024 17:12:50 00:00:00
Compliance REGULATION 76 26-04-2024 16:42:17 26-04-2024 16:42:17 00:00:00
Compliance Compliance Certificate under Regulation 7(3) 26-04-2024 16:16:08 26-04-2024 16:16:08 00:00:00
Compliance Compliance Certificate under Regulation 40(9) 26-04-2024 16:09:45 26-04-2024 16:09:45 00:00:00
Compliance Outcome of Board Meeting 18-04-2024 15:57:55 18-04-2024 15:57:55 00:00:00
Compliance Certificate under Regulation 74(5) of the SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulation, 2018 for the Quarter and year ended March 31st, 2024 17-04-2024 13:06:46 17-04-2024 13:06:46 00:00:00
Compliance Undertaking regarding Non- Applicability of Statement for Deviation(s) or Variation(s) under Regulation 32 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements Regulations, 2015 17-04-2024 12:43:02 17-04-2024 12:43:02 00:00:00
Statements of investor complaints status of the investors complaints for the quarter on 31.03.2024 17-04-2024 12:40:13 17-04-2024 12:40:13 00:00:00
Compliance Board Meeting Intimation 12-04-2024 11:10:38 12-04-2024 11:10:38 00:00:00
Compliance Non applicability of SEBI circular SEBI/HO/DDHS/CIR/P/2018/144 dated 26th November, 2018-fund raising by issuance of debt Securities by Large Entities 11-04-2024 12:26:00 11-04-2024 12:26:00 00:00:00
Compliance Intimation under Regulation 57(5) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulation, 2015 08-04-2024 15:51:38 08-04-2024 15:51:38 00:00:00
Compliance Disclosure under Regulation 31(4) of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeover) Regulation, 2011. 05-04-2024 13:27:47 05-04-2024 13:27:47 00:00:00
Closure of Trading Window Closure of Trading window 30-03-2024 18:07:22 30-03-2024 18:07:22 00:00:00
Compliance Submission of Undertaking regarding the functionality of the website of the Company as per Regulation 46 of SEBI (LODR), regulations, 2015 14-02-2024 13:14:01 14-02-2024 13:14:01 00:00:00
Newspaper Publication Newspaper Advertisement pursuant to Regulation 47 of the SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements), Regulations, 2015 14-02-2024 13:13:17 14-02-2024 13:13:17 00:00:00
Compliance Quarter compliance under regulation 13(3) of SEBI (Listing obligation and Disclosure Requirement) Regulations, 2015 for quarter ended on 31.12.2023 13-01-2024 12:14:12 13-01-2024 12:14:12 00:00:00
Compliance Disclosure under Regulation 31(1) (b) of SEBI (LODR) Regulation, 2015 for the 03rd Quarter of the FY 2023-24 ended on 31st December, 2023 10-01-2024 15:58:06 10-01-2024 15:58:06 00:00:00
Compliance COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE FOR THE QUARTER ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2023 10-01-2024 15:57:27 10-01-2024 15:57:27 00:00:00
Compliance Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report for Quarter ended 31st December, 2023 10-01-2024 15:55:40 10-01-2024 15:55:40 00:00:00
Compliance Certificate under Regulation 74(5) of the SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulation, 2018 for the Quarter ended December 31st, 2023 10-01-2024 15:54:28 10-01-2024 15:54:28 00:00:00
Closure of Trading Window Intimation of Closure of Trading Window under the SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 30-12-2023 11:54:09 30-12-2023 11:54:09 00:00:00
Company Update Submission of Undertaking regarding the functionality of the website of the Company as per Regulation 46 of SEBI (LODR), regulations, 2015 10-11-2023 12:43:38 10-11-2023 12:43:38 00:00:00
Newspaper Publication Newspaper Advertisement pursuant to Regulation 47 of the SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements), Regulations, 2015 10-11-2023 12:41:41 10-11-2023 12:41:41 00:00:00
Corporate Action Disclosure under Regulation 23 (9) of SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (SEBI LODR) – Details of Related Party Transactions 09-11-2023 14:05:54 09-11-2023 14:05:54 00:00:00
Compliance Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report for Quarter ended 30th September, 2023 19-10-2023 10:39:44 19-10-2023 10:39:44 00:00:00
Company Update Appointment of Compliance Officer 16-10-2023 15:44:59 16-10-2023 15:44:59 00:00:00
Compliance OMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE FOR THE QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2023 16-10-2023 15:01:39 16-10-2023 15:01:39 00:00:00
Compliance Disclosure under Regulation 31(1) (b) of SEBI (LODR) Regulation, 2015 for the 02nd Quarter of the FY 2023-24 ended on 30th September, 2023. 16-10-2023 14:54:41 16-10-2023 14:54:41 00:00:00
Compliance Compliance Report on Corporate Governance in terms of Regulation 27(2) of SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirement) Regulations, 2015 16-10-2023 14:53:58 16-10-2023 14:53:58 00:00:00
Compliance Quarter compliance under regulation 13(3) of SEBI (Listing obligation and Disclosure Requirement) Regulations, 2015 for quarter ended on 30.09.2023 16-10-2023 14:53:08 16-10-2023 14:53:08 00:00:00
Compliance Certificate under Regulation 74(5) of SEBI 13-10-2023 10:45:27 13-10-2023 10:45:27 00:00:00
Closure of Trading Window Intimation of Closure of Trading Window 30-09-2023 11:29:10 30-09-2023 11:29:10 00:00:00
Resignation Resignation Letter from the Post of Company Secretary & Compliance Officer 25-09-2023 12:34:25 25-09-2023 12:34:25 00:00:00
Voting Results Regulation 44 of SEBI- Voting Results 16-09-2023 18:55:45 16-09-2023 18:55:45 00:00:00
Compliance Submission of Undertaking regarding the functionality of the website of the Company as per Regulation 46 of SEBI (LODR), regulations, 2015 04-09-2023 10:54:25 04-09-2023 10:54:25 00:00:00
Newspaper Publication Subject: Newspaper Advertisement- Disclosure under Regulation 30 and 47 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (“SEBI Listing Regulations”) 22-08-2023 11:22:18 22-08-2023 11:22:18 00:00:00
Book Closure Subject: Intimation of Book Closure pursuant to Regulation 42 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 21-08-2023 11:43:07 21-08-2023 11:43:07 00:00:00
Compliance Sub: Submission of Annual Report for the year ended 31.03.2023 21-08-2023 11:30:26 21-08-2023 11:30:26 00:00:00
Newspaper Publication Subject: Newspaper Advertisement pursuant to Regulation 47 of the SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements), Regulations, 2015 11-08-2023 11:48:14 11-08-2023 11:48:14 00:00:00
Compliance Intimation for Board Meeting to be held on 10th August, 2023 03-08-2023 13:57:00 03-08-2023 13:57:00 00:00:00
Compliance Subject: Undertaking regarding Non – Applicability of Statement for Deviation(s) or Variations under Regulation 32 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and disclosure Requirements Regulations, 2015. 01-08-2023 11:49:08 01-08-2023 11:49:08 00:00:00
Compliance Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report for Quarter ended 30th June, 2023 15-07-2023 15:45:57 15-07-2023 15:45:57 00:00:00
Compliance Disclosure under Regulation 31(1) (b) of SEBI (LODR) Regulation, 2015 for the 01st Quarter of the FY 2023-24 ended on 30th June, 2023. 14-07-2023 14:48:16 14-07-2023 14:48:16 00:00:00
Compliance SDD Compliance Certificate June 2023 10-07-2023 11:30:09 10-07-2023 11:30:09 00:00:00
Compliance Certificate under Regulation 74(5) of the SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulation, 2018 for the Quarter ended June 30th 2023 08-07-2023 14:26:07 08-07-2023 14:26:07 00:00:00
Statements of investor complaints Quarter compliance under regulation 13(3) of SEBI (Listing obligation and Disclosure Requirement) Regulations, 2015 for quarter ended on 30.06.2023 08-07-2023 14:24:08 08-07-2023 14:24:08 00:00:00
Closure of Trading Window Intimation 30-06-2023 10:51:58 30-06-2023 10:51:58 00:00:00
Newspaper Publication Newspaper Advertisement pursuant to Regulation 47 of the SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements), Regulations, 2015 31-05-2023 15:30:39 31-05-2023 15:30:39 00:00:00
Compliance Disclosure under Regulation 23 (9) of SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (SEBI LODR) – Details of Related Party Transactions 30-05-2023 16:12:03 30-05-2023 16:12:03 00:00:00
Audited Financial Results Outcome of Board Meeting held on Tuesday, 30th May, 2023 30-05-2023 15:47:09 30-05-2023 15:47:09 00:00:00
Compliance Annual Secretarial Compliance Report of the Company for the year ended March 31st, 2023 30-05-2023 11:35:22 30-05-2023 11:35:22 00:00:00
Corporate Action Submission of undertaking regarding functionality of the website of the Company as per regulation 46 of SEBI (LODR) regulations, 2015 17-05-2023 17:03:19 17-05-2023 17:03:19 00:00:00
Compliance Revised submission of reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report for quarter and year ended 31st March, 2023 24-04-2023 14:29:37 24-04-2023 14:29:37 00:00:00
Compliance Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report for quarter and year ended 31st March, 2023 24-04-2023 12:04:25 24-04-2023 12:04:25 00:00:00
Compliance Disclosure under Regulation 40(9) of SEBI (Listing and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 for the quarter and year ended 31.03.2023 24-04-2023 12:03:29 24-04-2023 12:03:29 00:00:00
Compliance Compliance Certificate pursuant to Regulation 7(3) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirement) Regulation, 2015 for the year ended on 31st March, 2023 20-04-2023 10:59:35 20-04-2023 10:59:35 00:00:00
Compliance Disclosure under Regulation 31(1) (b) of SEBI (LODR) Regulation, 2015 for the 04th Quarter of the FY 2022-23 ended on 31st March, 2023 19-04-2023 14:56:23 19-04-2023 14:56:23 00:00:00
Compliance Certificate under Regulation 74(5) of the SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulation, 2018 for the Quarter and year ended March 31st, 20223 19-04-2023 12:52:30 19-04-2023 12:52:30 00:00:00
Statements of investor complaints Quarter compliance under regulation 13(3) of SEBI (Listing obligation and Disclosure Requirement) Regulations, 2015 for quarter and year ended on 31.03.2023 19-04-2023 12:51:38 19-04-2023 12:51:38 00:00:00
Compliance SDD 18-04-2023 11:40:54 18-04-2023 11:40:54 00:00:00
Compliance Undertaking regarding Non- Applicability of Statement for Deviation(s) or Variation(s) under Regulation 32 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements Regulations, 2015 18-04-2023 11:39:18 18-04-2023 11:39:18 00:00:00
Compliance Non applicability of SEBI circular SEBI/HO/DDHS/CIR/P/2018/144 dated 26th November, 2018-fund raising by issuance of debt Securities by Large Entities 18-04-2023 11:38:23 18-04-2023 11:38:23 00:00:00
Corporate Action Compliance Report on Corporate Governance in terms of Regulation 27(2) of SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirement) Regulations, 2015 17-04-2023 17:11:01 17-04-2023 17:11:01 00:00:00
Corporate Action Intimation under Regulation 57(5) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulation, 2015 08-04-2023 16:42:28 08-04-2023 16:42:28 00:00:00
Closure of Trading Window Intimation of Closure of Trading Window under the SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 31-03-2023 12:20:40 31-03-2023 12:20:40 00:00:00
Company Update Newspaper Publication 14-02-2023 13:01:28 14-02-2023 13:01:28 00:00:00
Company Update Intimation under Regulation 33 & 42 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations 2015 13-02-2023 14:09:30 13-02-2023 14:10:15 00:00:0*



Date Time


No Financial Results Available


Period Ended Date / As on Date

Date Time


ACESTONE 30-Sep-2018 12-Oct-2018 11:34:30 XBRL
ACESTONE 31-Dec-2018 14-Jan-2019 05:07:14 XBRL
ACESTONE 31-Mar-2019 22-Apr-2019 12:24:00 XBRL
ACESTONE 30-Jun-2019 18-Jul-2019 04:13:24 XBRL
ACESTONE 30-Sep-2019 18-Oct-2019 12:29:57 XBRL
ACESTONE 31-Dec-2019 18-Jan-2020 01:53:08 XBRL
ACESTONE 31-Mar-2020 15-May-2020 12:34:43 XBRL
ACESTONE 30-Jun-2020 21-Jul-2020 07:01:03 XBRL
ACESTONE 30-Sep-2020 20-Oct-2020 02:06:05 XBRL
ACESTONE 31-Dec-2020 15-Jan-2021 01:25:49 XBRL
ACESTONE 31-Mar-2021 10-Apr-2021 12:46:16 XBRL
ACESTONE 30-Jun-2021 20-Jul-2021 07:14:22 XBRL
ACESTONE 30-Sep-2021 19-Oct-2021 03:34:30 XBRL
ACESTONE 31-Dec-2021 20-Jan-2022 03:25:59 XBRL
ACESTONE 31-Mar-2022 20-Apr-2022 03:37:10 XBRL
ACESTONE 30-Jun-2022 18-Jul-2022 12:34:55 XBRL
ACESTONE 30-Sep-2022 20-Oct-2022 03:14:09 XBRL
ACESTONE 31-Dec-2022 12-Jan-2023 01:01:25 XBRL
ACESTONE 31-Mar-2023 19-Apr-2023 02:52:50 XBRL
ACESTONE 30-Jun-2023 14-Jul-2023 02:43:32 XBRL
ACESTONE 30-Sep-2023 16-Oct-2023 03:02:35 XBRL
ACESTONE 31-Dec-2023 10-Jan-2024 03:20:44 XBRL
ACESTONE 31-Mar-2024 17-Apr-2024 04:52:33 XBRL
ACESTONE 30-Jun-2024 19-Jul-2024 04:51:42 XBRL
ACESTONE 30-Sep-2024 15-Oct-2024 03:55:03 XBRL



Book Closure / Record Date

14-Sep-2023 AGM 15-Sep-2023
07-Sep-2022 Annual General Meeting 09-Sep-2022 - 15-Sep-2022
12-Sep-2018 Annual General Meeting 15-Sep-2018 - 21-Sep-2018
08-Sep-2017 Annual General Meeting 12-Sep-2017 - 18-Sep-2017

Type of Meeting


Exchange Received Time

Disseminated Time

Time Taken

Outcome of Board Meeting Outcome of Board Meeting held on 12th November, 2024 13-11-2024 15:59:11 13-11-2024 15:59:11 00:00:00
Intimation of Board Meeting Intimation for Board Meeting to be held on 12th November, 2024 06-11-2024 17:55:09 06-11-2024 17:55:09 00:00:00
Outcome of AGM OUTCOME OF AGM 17-09-2024 13:25:45 17-09-2024 13:25:45 00:00:00
Outcome of Board Meeting Outcome of BM 13-08-2024 16:08:47 13-08-2024 16:08:47 00:00:00
Intimation of Board Meeting Intimation of Board Meeting 06-08-2024 14:27:38 06-08-2024 14:27:38 00:00:00
Outcome of Board Meeting Outcome of Board Meeting held on 13th February,2024 13-02-2024 15:17:59 13-02-2024 15:17:59 00:00:00
Intimation of Board Meeting Intimation for Board Meeting to be held on 13th February, 2024 01-02-2024 11:52:56 01-02-2024 11:52:56 00:00:00
Outcome of Board Meeting Outcome of Board Meeting held on 09th November, 2023 09-11-2023 14:03:02 09-11-2023 14:03:02 00:00:00
Intimation of Board Meeting Intimation for Board Meeting to be held on 09th November, 2023 03-11-2023 12:48:28 03-11-2023 12:48:28 00:00:00
Outcome of AGM Subject: Outcome and Proceedings of 31st Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Ace Stone Craft Limited. 15-09-2023 17:00:57 15-09-2023 17:00:57 00:00:00
Outcome of Board Meeting Sub: Clarification Letter Regarding Submission of Outcome Submitted 10th Aug, 2023 11-08-2023 11:39:36 11-08-2023 11:39:36 00:00:00
Outcome of Board Meeting Subject: Outcome of 2nd Board Meeting for financial year 2023-24 of Ace Stone Craft Limited held on 10th August, 2023 10-08-2023 17:37:18 10-08-2023 17:37:18 00:00:00
Outcome of Board Meeting Subject: Outcome of 2nd Board Meeting for financial year 2023-24 of Ace Stone Craft Limited held on 10th August, 2023 10-08-2023 15:54:27 10-08-2023 15:54:27 00:00:00
Outcome of Board Meeting Outcome of Board Meeting held on Tuesday, 30th May, 2023 30-05-2023 15:48:30 30-05-2023 15:48:30 00:00:00
Intimation of Board Meeting Intimation for Board Meeting to be held on 30th May, 2023 22-05-2023 17:15:03 22-05-2023 17:15:03 00:00:00


Period Ended Date / As on Date

Date Time


ACESTONE 30-Sep-2018 10-Oct-2018 02:00:31 XBRL
ACESTONE 31-Dec-2018 09-Jan-2019 11:45:01 XBRL
ACESTONE 31-Dec-2018 04-Feb-2019 11:44:00 XBRL
ACESTONE 31-Mar-2019 16-Apr-2019 12:43:54 XBRL
ACESTONE 30-Jun-2019 15-Jul-2019 01:07:07 XBRL
ACESTONE 30-Jun-2019 05-Aug-2019 02:30:54 XBRL
ACESTONE 30-Sep-2019 14-Oct-2019 12:50:26 XBRL
ACESTONE 31-Dec-2019 11-Jan-2020 01:32:36 XBRL
ACESTONE 31-Dec-2019 28-Apr-2020 04:29:53 XBRL
ACESTONE 31-Mar-2020 28-Apr-2020 04:34:30 XBRL
ACESTONE 30-Jun-2020 17-Jul-2020 03:55:39 XBRL
ACESTONE 30-Sep-2020 14-Oct-2020 01:00:51 XBRL
ACESTONE 31-Dec-2020 08-Jan-2021 05:24:54 XBRL
ACESTONE 31-Mar-2021 09-Apr-2021 06:12:25 XBRL
ACESTONE 30-Jun-2021 20-Jul-2021 07:12:59 XBRL
ACESTONE 30-Sep-2021 16-Oct-2021 05:50:01 XBRL
ACESTONE 31-Dec-2021 19-Jan-2022 04:22:27 XBRL
ACESTONE 31-Mar-2022 20-Apr-2022 03:38:20 XBRL
ACESTONE 31-Mar-2022 21-Apr-2022 06:21:08 XBRL
ACESTONE 30-Jun-2022 20-Jul-2022 03:31:02 XBRL
ACESTONE 30-Sep-2022 21-Oct-2022 12:28:45 XBRL
ACESTONE 30-Sep-2022 17-Nov-2022 05:55:44 XBRL
ACESTONE 31-Dec-2022 13-Jan-2023 05:06:21 XBRL
ACESTONE 31-Mar-2023 17-Apr-2023 04:59:34 XBRL
ACESTONE 30-Jun-2023 08-Jul-2023 04:00:37 XBRL
ACESTONE 30-Sep-2023 17-Oct-2023 11:14:53 XBRL
ACESTONE 31-Dec-2023 10-Jan-2024 03:21:13 XBRL
ACESTONE 31-Mar-2024 19-Apr-2024 04:47:17 XBRL
ACESTONE 31-Mar-2024 22-May-2024 03:39:37 XBRL
ACESTONE 31-Mar-2024 22-May-2024 03:45:29 XBRL
ACESTONE 31-Mar-2024 22-May-2024 03:49:01 XBRL
ACESTONE 31-Mar-2024 22-May-2024 03:49:12 XBRL
ACESTONE 31-Mar-2024 22-May-2024 03:49:21 XBRL
ACESTONE 31-Mar-2024 22-May-2024 03:49:33 XBRL
ACESTONE 31-Mar-2024 22-May-2024 03:49:48 XBRL
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ACESTONE 30-Sep-2024 16-Oct-2024 03:29:44 XBRL